
2021/5/20 10:46:45

事实上,人们对那些征求他们反馈意见的品牌更有好感。027个询问客户反馈的邮件模板请随意修改这些模板,并插入一些个性化元素。[link to your survey链接到你的问卷调查]第11533号外贸信函模板 :请求B2B客户为你的网站或案例提供客户好评的邮件模板Thanks for the shoutout!







1. 计划一个合适的方法


2. 保持简短


3. 解释你将如何处理反馈


4. 如果可能的话,使用插图

就像上面提到的,你可以使用一个明显的Call To Action按钮,让用户点击来参加调查。也可以根据你的品牌形象,使用一到两个图标和插图,使邮件看起来更有趣。

5. 注意主题行





第11524号外贸信函模板 :征求客户对产品/服务反馈意见的邮件模板

Can you take our 3-minute survey?

Dear [Customer name],

Thank you for using [your product]! We’d love to hear what you think of our [product/service]. Your feedback will help us determine what features to add and how we can make the product better for you.

If you have 3 minutes, please fill out our survey.

Thanks again!

[link to your survey?链接到你的问卷调查]

第11526号外贸信函模板 :征求客户对 customer support的反馈意见的邮件模板

Do you have any feedback for us?

Dear [Customer name],

You recently spoke with our customer support team and we’d like to hear about your experience. Any feedback you have on how we can improve the speed and quality of our service would be [awesome/most welcome]!

If you can, please take a moment to [answer a few quick questions] – it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. [link to your survey?链接到你的问卷调查]


第11527号外贸信函模板 :征求客户对相关培训的反馈意见的邮件模板

How was your training session? (4-min survey)

Dear [Customer name],

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know our product so far. We’re committed to helping you use our platform to its full potential so you can [grow your business with us]. And that’s why we need your help.

Could you spare some time to fill out our survey? Our questions revolve around your training and onboarding sessions, so we can understand what works best for you. It shouldn’t take more than 4 minutes in total, but it’ll be of invaluable help to us.

[link to your survey?链接到你的问卷调查]



第11528号外贸信函模板 :征求客户对最近订单的反馈意见的邮件模板

Are you happy with your Acme experience? (4-min survey)

Dear [Customer name],

Thanks for shopping with us! We hope you’re enjoying your purchase?

We’d like to ask for a favor – could you share your buying experience with us? It will take you about 4 minutes to complete our survey, but it’ll be invaluable to us for improving our services.


[link to your survey?链接到你的问卷调查]

第11533号外贸信函模板 :请求B2B客户为你的网站或案例提供客户好评的邮件模板

Thanks for the shoutout! Can you give us a testimonial?

Hi [Customer name],

I hope you’re doing well! I saw that you gave us a shoutout on [Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn] the other day – we were delighted! Thanks for your kind words.

I don’t mean to impose, but I actually want to ask for a small favor: we’re putting together a series of customer testimonials for [a case study/our website] and we’d love to have yours included.

Would you be interested in providing a few words on how you’ve been using our [product/service] and the value you’re seeing? Here’s a [link] where you can fill out your quote.

Thanks again,


第11534号跨境电商邮件模板 :请求B2C客户为你的网站或案例提供客户好评的邮件模板

Thanks for the shoutout! We've a small favor to ask

Hi [Customer name],

We saw that you gave us a shoutout on [Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn] the other day – we’re so glad you had a good experience with us!

We’re reaching out to ask for a small favor: we’re putting together a series of customer testimonials for [our website] and we’d love to have yours included.

Would you consider leaving a short quote about your purchase and your experience with [your company] in general? Here’s a [link] to a quick survey you can fill out (it won’t take more than 2 minutes).

Thanks so much,

第11535号跨境电商邮件模板 :请求B2C客户提供评论的邮件模板

Give us a review for a 10% discount

Dear [Customer name],

Thank you so much for shopping with y[our company]. We hope you’re enjoying [our product/your order]!

We have a small favor to ask – if you’re happy with our services, could you leave an online review on [Yelp/TripAdvisor/TrustPilot/Capterra?告诉客户你希望客户发布评论的第三方平台]? It would mean the world to us?

As a way of saying thank you, we’re offering a [$15 coupon/10% discount on your next purchase/other].


以上模板只是红板砖近800个模板中的一部分,我们也欢迎你访问红板砖邮件模板库 https://hongbanzhuan.com/templates/,里面有很多外贸开发信,常规外贸邮件,跨境电商邮件,而且我们一直在增加全新邮件模板和优化现有邮件模板。

原文链接: https://hongbanzhuan.com/asking-feedback-email-template/?转载请务必加上这个链接!


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